IE 800包含幾項微小但意義無法估量的突破,例如超寬頻(XWB)換能器系統。它的直徑僅為7毫米,是目前動圈入耳式耳機中最小的超寬頻聲音換能器,能夠提供不失真的聲音,即使在高聲壓級下也可以正常工作。
借助Sennheiser雙腔體吸音系統(D2CA)、陶瓷外殼以及符合人體工學設計的橢圓形耳道墊圈,IE 800包含諸多突破性創新。這款在德國設計、開發和生產的耳機不僅採用了創新技術,而且擁有討人喜歡的極富時代感的優雅設計。IE 800入耳式耳機採用防劃的陶瓷外殼等高品質材料製造,確保經久耐用,讓您隨時體驗高保真音樂享受。
At the heart of the IE 800 are several small but invaluable breakthroughs, like the perfected extra wide band (XWB) transducer system. Flaunting a diameter of only 7 mm, it is currently the smallest extra wide-band sound transducer available in dynamic ear canal phones and promises distortion-free sound, capable of performing even at high sound pressure levels.
With Sennheiser’s state-of-the-art dampened two chamber absorbers (D2CA), ceramic housing and ergonomic, oval-shaped ear adaptors, the IE 800 is loaded with numerous ground-breaking innovations. Designed, developed and produced in Germany, it not only boasts innovative technology but also feature an attractive, yet modern and elegant design. Manufactured with high-quality materials, such as scratch-resistant ceramic for the housing to ensure longevity, the IE 800 ear-canal phones made enjoying audiophile music on-the-go, a reality.
特性 / Feature
單元 Driver : |
動圈 Dynamic
靈敏度 Sensitivity : |
阻抗 Impedance : |
16 Ohm @ 1kHz
音頻反應 Frequency Response : |
8 Hz - 41 000 Hz (-3 dB)
5 Hz - 46 500 Hz |
線材 Cable : |
oxygen-free (OFC) copper cable |
線長 Cable Length : | 110cm |
插頭 Plug : |
耳膠 Ear tips : | - |
便攜盒 Carrying Case : |
線夾 Cable Clip : | - |
延長線 Extension Cord : | - |
替換線 Exchangeable Cord : | - |
轉換插 Convertor : | - |
其他 Others: | 清潔工具 cleaning tool |