Fender DXA1 (6489617091)
Fender DXA1 (6489617091)

Fender DXA1


簡介 / Description

Lyra 可以說是入耳式耳機的全新嘗試。Campfire Audio 把只有在高端音響用的鈹單元濃縮到 8.5mm,再配合密度極高的陶瓷外殼,製成了這對落下凡塵的天琴。雖不能說後無來者,但也該前無古人了。鈹 (Beryllium),是一種十分稀有的金屬。其稀有度令純鈹的價值比金還要貴 100 倍!但鈹比鋁更輕且更堅挺,在高速的振動下更抗變形,令高音的失真極少,令空間感更為實在,音色更為逼真。 Lyra 所用的陶瓷外殼是「台灣特產」,具廠方說這種密度和質素的陶瓷殼只有台灣能生產。在鈹和陶瓷這兩個極為發燒的元素配合之下,Lyra 的聲音極為鏗鏘動聽,弦樂的演繹更是去到了前所未有的境界。不論是古典的小提琴、中樂的琵琶、流行的結他、日本的三味線,Lyra 都能把該弦樂所應有的音色極為真實還原。
The advanced 8.5mm beryllium diaphragm is central to this broad frequency of musical excellence. Beryllium diaphragms have a proven track record in the high end home audio community. Our beryllium diaphragm showcases this performance and expands what is possible in personal audio. The high density ceramic chambers carry excellent detail with supreme clarity and minimal distortion. The ergonomic and elegant shape of the design offers a compact and comfortable fit. Its polished and scratch-resistant finish ensures a great looking earphone for years to come.

特性 / Feature

    • 8.5mm 鍍鈹單元
      8.5mm beryllium diaphragm
    • 日本CCAW銅包鋁線圈比一般銅製線圈更輕,單元的反應便更快
      Japan CCAW Voice Coil, much lighter than pure copper alone, making it an excellent choice for the compact drivers.
    • 高密度防刮花陶瓷殼
      Ultra high density ceramic chamber
    • 原廠ALO Audio Tinsel線材
      Comes with ALO Tinsel Cable
    • 鍍金MMCX插頭
      Gold plated MMCX connector

    規格 / Specification

    單元 Driver : 
    8.5mm 鍍鈹動圈單元 Beryllium diaphragm
    靈敏度 Sensitivity : 
    110 dB  @ 1kHz
    阻抗 Impedance : 
    16 Ohm @ 1kHz
    音頻反應 Frequency Response : 
    8 Hz - 28 000 Hz
    線材 Cable :
    ALO Tinsel (MMCX)
    線長 Cable Length : 135cm
    插頭 Plug : 
    L型鍍金插, Gold plated L shaprd 3.5mm


    配件 / Accessories

    耳膠 Ear tips :
    Ear Tips(S,M,L)
    Ear Foams(S,M,L)
    Comply Tx 400 Foams(S,M,L)
    便攜盒 Carrying Case :
    線夾 Cable Clip :
    延長線 Extension Cord :
    替換線 Exchangeable Cord :  
    轉換插 Convertor :
    其他 Others:  清潔棒 Cleaning tool