HifiMan HE-400s (7333167811)
HifiMan HE-400s (7333167811)

HifiMan HE-400s


Easy to Drive

One of the highest efficiency planar phones in the world! HIFIMAN’s newest HE400S sounds terrific on your smartphone or most any portable audio device.

Superb Hi-Fi Quality

HE400S delivers all the lifelike clarity, detail, extended bass and wide sound stage that audiophiles have come to expect from HIFIMAN.

Long Hours of Comfortable Listening

Innovative headband and specially designed ear pads for remarkable comfort allowing you to enjoy your music for hours on end

Lightweight: Only 350g!

Why Choose A Dynamic Headphone…When You Can have Planar?

Dynamic headphones utilize conductors that vibrate in limited areas of the diaphragm. Result is that a large percentage of the diaphragm cannot be directly driven by those conductors.

Planar headphones have conductive layers over almost all of the diaphragm. Evenly driven by these conductors, result is significantly lower distortion than conventional dynamic headphones.


規格 / Specification

單元 Driver : 
平板振膜 Planar magnetic

靈敏度 Sensitivity : 

阻抗 Impedance : 

音頻反應 Frequency Response : 
20Hz – 35KHz

線材 Cable :


線長 Cable Length : 1.5m

插頭 Plug : 


配件 / Accessories

耳膠 Ear tips :


便攜盒 Carrying Case :

線夾 Cable Clip :

延長線 Extension Cord :


替換線 Exchangeable Cord :  


轉換插 Convertor :
其他 Others:    -